NUFORC UFO Sighting 3065
Occurred: 1998-01-29 21:15 LocalReported: 1998-01-29 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30-45 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Scranton, KS, USA
Shape: Fireball
Summary : My son and I saw a something slowly falling out of the sky. It looked like a VW on fire very bright and moving very slowly downward. We lost sight of it behind a hill. We were within a 1/4 mile and it was low we watched it from about 1000 feet to about 25 feet off the ground before we lost sight of it. I stopped the car thinking we would hear a crash but did not. We went home and called the police reporting what looked like a VW Car on fire falling slowly from the sky. We went back but could not see anything. My son is on crutches and could not go the terrain at night and I was too afraid to walk over the hill on my own.
Posted 1998-03-07
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