NUFORC UFO Sighting 30509
Occurred: 2003-08-03 00:23 LocalReported: 2003-08-03 22:56 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Fridley, MN, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Star like object in the night sky looked like it was trying to avoid a falling star?
I was out on my balcony having a cigarette and looked up into the sky just to get a feel for the weather and whether or not it was going to rain. I looked over to the N/NW and saw a bright starlike object. I saw a falling star off to the right of the object and noticed that the object had made a swooping motion as if to avoid the falling star. It then continued to keep it's position in the sky where I had first witnessed it, yet constantly in motion. I began to think that I was perhaps imagining things so I went to get my wife who was already in bed asleep. She came out on the balcony and watched this phenomenon along with me. It continued to make swooping and other types of motion that I can say without a doubt was not the kind of motion you would expect at that altitude to be an aircraft of any kind. As we watched the object I and my wife witnessed multiple falling stars as well as motions from the object that simply cannot be explained as motion from either aircraft or satellite.
We suspect that a celestial body would be the first possibility that would have to be ruled out. PD
Posted 2003-08-04
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