NUFORC UFO Sighting 30498

Occurred: 2003-08-03 12:35 Local
Reported: 2003-08-03 15:54 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 0

Location: Oceanside, CA, USA

Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Tight formation of metallic egg shaped crafts

Driving North on Interstate 5 a bright light or reflection was noticed on the West side of the highway passing through the city of Oceanside. The exact location was about 1/4 mi. S. of CA 78 and 1 mile S. of Camp Pendelton. The light slowly cruised over the freeway at which time I noticed it was composed of 4 roughly faceted egg shaped objects in a very tight diamond formation. Immediately, I suspected a helicopter of some sort, since they often cruise the highway to observe traffic or Marine helicopters out and about. The configuration did not register as a helicopter or any other conventional aircraft. What was observed were the 4 egg shaped objects bobbing up and down with respect to each. The altitude was low, less than 1000 feet. This estimate was due to the fact of the clarity of the surfaces reflecting the sun and the object's sharp outline against the clear sky. They appeared to be strongly metallic colored ranging from gray to black to strong sun reflection. Each one was alternating in these colors and reflections on different parts which also supported my estimation this was not a single craft. I followed them as they crossed my field of view high in my windshield until lost from sight as they flew overhead. I didn't hear any typical aircraft sound. There were many cars around me as I stuck my hand out of the window and pointed up. Someone else must have seen it too. After a short time I decided to look into my rear view mirrors and I was then able to see them once again in the same tight formation on the West side of the freeway directly over the city of Oceanside. I am hoping others who had seen this will report it since it was so easily viewed. Perhaps there is a logical explanation since it was so close to a major Marine base.


Witness describes self as having considerable technical background. We have attempted to return his telephoned report, but we have not been successful in establishing contact with him at the numbers he left in his message. PD

Posted 2003-08-04

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