NUFORC UFO Sighting 3046
Occurred: 1998-01-24 21:28 LocalReported: 1998-01-24 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 40 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Cape Coral, FL, USA
Shape: Diamond
Summary : 2 glowing objects seen in the sky with many lights; dimond shaped. Seen for at least for 30 minutes with photographs taken.
Myself, Jarrod R. Drury, and my girlfriend, Heather E. Clugston, first witnessed 2 flying objects in the sky while taking vcr tapes back to the local Blockbuster. I (Jarrod), immediately did a U-Turn back to my house to grab my camera. The first contact sighting was at 9:28pm. et. It was a matter of minutes to get to my house and to get the camera. We jumped back into the truck, and drove to a clearing where I could park and get a picture. I took several pictures from there, turned back for my house, and while driving down the street that my house is on, the object rose higher in the air, so I stopped to take a few more pictures. I was coming back to my house this time, to grab my cam-corder, but when I tried to use it, the battery was dead. We observed the craft for a few minutes longer, and it travled out of site in a steady, "floating" manor. We decide to take the tapes back, and as we were driving, we noticed red lights where the craft once was. We parked to take pictures of this as well, but there was no sign of the craft. We finally pulled back into the driveway at 10:06 pm. et. Iam an business advisor, as well as working part time for my parent's floor care service, and my girlfriend works at a local shipping factory as a receptionist. I am 20 yrs old, and she is 19.
Posted 1998-03-07
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