NUFORC UFO Sighting 3031
Occurred: 1998-01-15 05:00 LocalReported: 1998-01-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Lake City, CO, USA
Shape: Orb
Summary : An object the size and brightness of Venus appeared in southern sky for appoximately 30 seconds. It then gradually doubled and size and then, like a dissolve light switch, the gold like orb went back into darkness. No trace of its existence was apparent after my sighting.
Observer: Amateur astronomer Lake City, CO 81235 I do my main stargazing on my dark morning walks. I have become quite familiar with the many aspects of our universe and especially sighting meteors in all their various shapes and sizes. What I saw the morning of January 15 , 1998 was different than anything I have ever observed. At approximately 5 a.m., I spotted what appeared to be Venus in the southern sky. Realizing that that couldn't be the case, I stared intently at an object which grew at least twice the size and brightness of Venus. Then, as if someone turned a dissolve switch, this object reversed its growth to nothing but dark. I did not observe any other light source after witnessing this remarkable phenomenon.
Posted 1998-03-07
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