NUFORC UFO Sighting 3027

Occurred: 1998-01-11 06:55 Local
Reported: 1998-01-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes =/-
No of observers: 1

Location: Cape May, NJ, USA

Shape: Light

Summary : What initially appeared to be an aircraft, accelerated away from me at a rate of speed too great to be an aircraft. At a few miles distant, I observed no object, only a very bright white light. No fluctuation in intensity, no blinking, no twinkling. No sound. Disappearance during a quite glance at my watch to record the time since this was such an unusual event.

While standing on the beach at sunup, while still able to see starts, I observed a bright light that I initially considered to be a planet, only much brighter. Eventually the light starting moving as if an aircraft was traveling towards me and veering away. It began to accelerate rapidly and disappeared during the time of a quick glance at my watch. There was no sound, no wind. There was a band of clouds on the horizon, although I was able to see stars above me. It was gradually getting lighter, although the light was distinctively different than a planet or star. There were no other typical hints of it being an aircraft, e.g. extra red light, or blinking light.

Posted 1998-03-07

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