NUFORC UFO Sighting 3025

Occurred: 1967-07-01 20:30 Local
Reported: 1998-01-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: aprox.10min
No of observers: 0

Location: East Hanover, NJ, USA

Shape: Cigar

Summary : no moon,observed colored blinking lights apox. 150' up in southern sky.

lights appeared to be from port holes, dark showded images peered out, moving about..was cigar shaped, 50' long. objected hovered stationary for a few moments than moved very slowly to the west. i followed in my car(a 1960 Falcon). after 1/4 mile UFO hovered stationary again for a moment then shot straight up to the south. i never reported this, but i do remmber other sightings being reported in mid and late 60's.

Posted 1998-03-07

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