NUFORC UFO Sighting 29017

Occurred: 2003-06-01 04:00 Local
Reported: 2003-06-01 03:09 Pacific
Duration: 40 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Willow Brook, IL, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

My girlfriend and I witnessed a yellowish light in the southern sky at about 4am at which time I found my binoculars and trained in on this object and found there were two lights equadescent to each other beside this main glowing object. I video taped this event for what its worth knowing MUFON in illinois is a joke. Sorry thats my opinion based on Mufons past history, they seem not to care for truth and the only reason i wrote this report is in case others witnessed the same thing.

Thank You, ((e-address deleted))


We are quite familiar with MUFON/Illinois, and its State Director, Mr. Dave Marler, and we find it to be one of the most well-run MUFON state chapters in the U. S.. We doubt that this is a serious report, but we will request that the witness forward the tape to NUFORC and/or MUFON/Illinois. PD

Posted 2003-06-03

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