NUFORC UFO Sighting 29010
Occurred: 2003-05-31 04:26 LocalReported: 2003-05-31 16:01 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec
No of observers: 0
Location: West Valley, UT, USA
Shape: Light
( May 31,03. Time 4:26 am ) I had the water on the back lawn and went out to shut it off. as I was on my way back into the house I seen a bright star like light in the sky east of Magna, about 3100 to 3500 so. and 7200 to 5600 west.
At first it caught my eye as a star or planet.
This Light was 4 times brighter then any star in the sky. more like a airplane landing light.
This lasted about 10 seconds. the light started dimming until it was gone. I raced into the house to grab the camcorder just before it went out, but I didn't get anything on tape. during the time I could see it the object did not move in the sky.
We believe that the first possibility to be ruled out would be the landing light on a distant aircraft, but that is only a guess on our part. PD
Posted 2003-06-03
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