NUFORC UFO Sighting 28542

Occurred: 2003-04-25 01:04 Local
Reported: 2003-04-25 02:26 Pacific
Duration: minute
No of observers: 0

Location: Glendale/Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Flash

Bright bluish lights follow my wife car early in the morning, no sounds, lit entire area.

As my wife was leaving the factory where she work, she takes a rather dark road to Camelback Rd. She saw what I could only assume were some strobe light, which lit up the car and the surrounding area and lasted until she made a left on Camelback. She thought it might have been a low flying chopper, but did not see or hear it. When she made the left the lights seem to go right and vanish.

Posted 2003-04-27

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