NUFORC UFO Sighting 26297
Occurred: 2002-11-19 05:30 LocalReported: 2002-11-28 15:53 Pacific
Duration: approx. 15 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Norfolk, VA, USA
Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object
Silent Red V/Chevron of 6-7 lights over Norfolk, VA during Leonids.
i was up watching the leonid meteor shower. a neighbor was out as well. while looking up, i saw a V shaped series of red lights, numbering around 6 or 7. it traveled southeast, and made no sound. the size of it is difficult to approximate, as i couldn't really tell how high it was. but i remember that there was no sound, and that i thought it was an airplane at first. it was moving across the sky fast enough to make me think that it was a low-flying aircraft, but the fact that there was no sound struck me as odd. as i realized that it wasn't a plane, i pointed it out to my neighbor, who saw the same thing.
at one point in the middle of the observation, it appeared as if the lights _moved_. i mean the points that made up the V seemed to move to the center, then back to the original V formation. i'm not sure if they actually did move, but the pattern of lights seemed to change. this occurred over the span of a second or two-- very quickly.
after pointing the V out to my neighbor, i continued to watch it, was distracted by a particularly nice series of meteors, then returned to look for it at which point it was gone.
Posted 2002-12-23
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