NUFORC UFO Sighting 25359

Occurred: 1966-09-25 17:00 Local
Reported: 2002-10-01 23:46 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 min

Location: Los Banos, CA, USA

Shape: Egg

2 egg shaped objects in daylight near Los Banos CA

On September 25 1966 when I was 14 yrs old I was riding in the back of my father's pickup truck returning home from deer hunting in Little Sandy Ca. My father and 2 brothers were in the cab of the truck and I was riding in the back with a friend of my father's who was asleep. I was laying down on a matress that was in the bed of the truck, my head was near the cab. It was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and we were traveling east on highway 152 going toward San Luis Dam and Pacheco Pass. We were travelling about 50-60 mph. I looked to the north and saw two egg shaped objects (one slightly ahead and above the other) traveling in the same direction as we were. My first thought was that they looked beautiful and absolutly perfect and pristine. I then said to myself "that's right, that is what they look like." I then realized that these objects were being piloted as I could sense a "presence" in the way they moved, this frightened me. I watched them for as long as I could for they were going a little faster than we were and were slowly moving up and away from us. I lost sight of them as they were lost in the haze of the setting sun. I was unable to determine their size but they were about the size of a pea held at arms length and I could see that they were round because of the shadow along the rear bottom portion. They were not shiny but white and they looked just like two chicken eggs, (I always felt silly telling people that they looked like chicken eggs.) Later on in life I connected the feeling that I had recognized them ("that's right, that is what they look like")with an incident that happened when I was nine yrs old. A neighbor found me walking down the street at 3 oclock in the morning and brought me home. After I woke up in the morning the neighbor came over to our house to see if I was OK. At that moment I remembered that I had had a dream that night and in the dream I was standing on the front porch looking at someone on the other side of the fence but in the dream it was very, very bright outs! ide, bri ghter than daylight. I always felt like there was more to what happened that night than I could remember.


Date may be approximate, although witness does not imply that fact. PD

Posted 2002-10-15

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