NUFORC UFO Sighting 24532

Occurred: 2002-08-12 20:15 Local
Reported: 2002-08-18 18:45 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Beaver Falls, PA, USA

Shape: Light

Bright light in sky turns off - Nothing there!

This is the 2nd time I've seen a bright light in the sky turn off with nothing there!

Traveling West along 588 in Beaver county PA., approx. 2 miles from intersection of of Rt. 65. I noticed a bright light low and close in the sky (2000 - 3000 AGL and a quarter mile to my SW)that was different. At first I shruged it off as a landing light from a small aircraft (Zeileinople and Beaver Co. Airports in area).

Something kept my attention on it (NO vibration/strobe affect as in traditional landing lights) just an intense light slightly brighter than a landing light and it also seemed fixed or stationary. Then as my attention seemed peaked, it turned off...

I fully expected to see the familiar silhouette of a Cessna or Piper in the turquois dusk sky... but there was NOTHING THERE! I immidiatley pulled off the side of the road and shut my engine off to listen for the purr of a Lycoming engine, but the only thing I heard was crickets... This is starting to get weird Pete! I'm extremly familiar with aircraft observation, clouds and lights, I'm still trying to convince myself that there is a rational explaination but so far I haven't been sucsessful.

Watching the Watchers...? Signs of the Second Coming...? Religion or Star Wars...? Let me know your thoughts.… ((name deleted))

Posted 2002-08-28

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