NUFORC UFO Sighting 23679

Occurred: 2002-07-09 22:09 Local
Reported: 2002-07-09 19:47 Pacific
Duration: out of view
No of observers: 0

Location: Strawberry Plains, TN, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby

3 stationary objects 2 looked like stars 1 looked like planet all moved within 10 minutes of me watching.

the objects was with a cluster of stars that i was looking at while waiting for a helicopter to go by over our house. I was looking at the cluster of stars because I saw what I thought was a planet except it was yellowish-orange and was located were no planets should have been. As I was looking at them one of the dimmer stars started to move away from the cluster horizontally at a rapid speed. It looked like a dim star. Within a minute the orange shape moved away in a different direction went into some clouds and never came out. I went inside to answer the phone was out within five minutes and resumed watching. After just a couple of minutes one of the dim looking stars started to move in the same direction as the first one did. The difference was it was not moving as fast. This may be nothing at all. It may be that the military has a new plane of some kind that can fly so high that it looks like the stars, stay stationary for a period of time and speed away very fast. I am a housewife part time student studying for my BA in Science.

Posted 2002-07-26

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