NUFORC UFO Sighting 23137

Occurred: 2002-02-20 01:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-06-04 09:27 Pacific
Duration: an hour or so
No of observers: 3

Location: Durham, NH, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

A light that floats at tree level and hangs out for over an hour

I apologize for the uncertainty of the date of this sighting, i hadnt ever heard of this site until today so here is the description as best as i can remember My room mate at the University of New Hampshire in Durham had been in our room for several hours with his girlfriend, so I was in the room next door as to leave them alone. When I decided he had been in the room long enough I went in. As I began closing up the window on my part of the room I noticed a very bright light about half a mile away resting on some trees. It was much brighter than the light that would normally come off of an airplane or from a radio tower with a warning flasher. I asked my room mate if he had seen it and said it had been there for a while and that he had been watching it with his girlfriend. For a while we just watched the constant light; it didn't appear to move at all. Then it began to float south of us for what might have been a solid minute, moving very slowly and at tree level. It then began to move up higher than the tree level, perhaps 600 feet into the air. It then continued at an extremely slow pace south and suddenly stopped and stayed suspended again for about 10 minutes. It then moved very hastily south and disappeared around the corner of our windows. The whole experience lasted about 30 minutes for myself, but my room mate maintains that he and his girlfriend had seen it at about one o'clock and it was 2:30 when the object left our sight.


We suspect the witnesses may have been looking at a celestial body. PD

Posted 2002-06-12

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