NUFORC UFO Sighting 22511

Occurred: 2002-04-12 22:00 Local
Reported: 2002-04-13 13:03 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 hours
No of observers: 2

Location: Lonsdale, MN, USA

Characteristics: Lights on object

At 10 PM my wife observed a light in the southwestern sky that was odd because it was moving erratically. I joined her on the deck and saw a red and green light that were close together. I assumed it was an airplane, but it suddenly made a sharp movement to the side, then an up and movement. Now the side to side movement could resemble a very wide winged plane with the wing lights flashing alternatly. But this didn't explain the up and down movement. Also the light stayed in the same place, every so often jerking to one side or the other or up and down. I looked around and observed an identical light in the western sky with the same movements. We watched for about 1/2 hour and they stayed in the same position. My wife went to bed and I continued to read. At a little after 11 PM I went out to check and the light in the southwest was gone, but the western one was in the same position and still jerking around. I got my binoculars, hoping to see more but the light just was sharper. As I was watching two more of the same type lights appeared in the northwestern sky. These acted the same but also blinked off and then on every so often. After about another 1/2 hour these two lights suddenly moved at an extremely fast speed toward the western light and when they neared it they disappeared. Now these two lights seemed smaller or further away. When I went to bed an hour later the west light was still there. I can think of no logical explanation. All the light were red and green and seemed to be very close together.

Posted 2002-04-25

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