NUFORC UFO Sighting 2246
Occurred: 1997-05-30 20:00 LocalReported: 1997-05-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Pooler, GA, USA
Shape: Fireball
Summary : I was in the car at the gas station when a huge green fireball or light fly across the sky. It must have been going VERY fast. It flew across half of the sky in about 4 seconds. It did not have a tail of ANY kind. It was just a huge ball of light. It did not look like ANY shooting star I have ever seen. It did not make any sound. I lost sight of it once it went past some trees.
Ok, I am a 17 year old teenager. I have been intersted in UFOs for years. I was in the car at a gas station when I saw a huge green fire ball or ball of light fly across half of the sky. It was VERY fast. It looked like it was a ball shape. It did not make any sound. It did not look like any shooting star I have ever seen.
Posted 1999-01-28
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