NUFORC UFO Sighting 21489
Occurred: 2002-01-16 22:00 LocalReported: 2002-01-20 08:33 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Fremont, NH, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
Bright blending lights
Location: Fremont NH, Route 107 (Main St.) My wife came in to ask me to come outside and look at a ball of light that had been just sitting across the street that she had observed while taking the dogs out. I came out to actually find 2 bright balls of light no more than 2000 feet in front of me across the street from my house where a sand pit is located. They blended the colors of red, green, blue and white. The larger of the 2 was approx. 3 car lengths in a circle and the smaller was about 2 car lengths in a circle. they were about 50ft above the tree tops. The smaller of the two fled N.E. at a high rate of speed and the other one hovered above the tree tops. It hovered back and forth and up and down for about 8 mins. And the wierd thing was it made NO SOUNDS!!! Not a hum, Not a wisper!!!!then it gradually continued over Rte 107 and headed off toward Danville NH area at approx. 20-25 MPH. It stayed at about 50 feet above the trees.
After researching, I found that I have a power grid 1/2 mile N.W. of my house and there have been multiple sightings there dating back to 1965!!
Posted 2002-01-29
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