NUFORC UFO Sighting 20568
Occurred: 2001-11-18 05:00 LocalReported: 2001-11-26 04:50 Pacific
Duration: 20 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: St-Louis de Blandford (Canada), QC, Canada
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
I'm investigator for the FOAQC (Fédération OVNI-ALERTE Quebec Canada), my name is Francois C. Bourbeau (author of 4 books) and ex-director and fondator of C.C.U.Q. in Quebec in 1981.
Recently, the FOAQC received a notification from a young woman from Quebec city. Miss Julie H., 20, drive our car on the national 20 (transcanadienne), between Quebec and Montral, sunday november 18, around 5 am.
Sudendly, appear a strange shape very close overpass, orange color with 5 windows rectangle (shape). No noise, no movement, no interaction with the car of the witness, Julie H. continued at 60 miles per hour in direction to Montreal.
She looked this shape during only 20 secondes.
I called the local police just for watching if this bureau are receive another calls in relation with this observation? Their answer: No!, for the moment...
We stay stand by and if you want to know more details concerning this case, please go to visiting my WEB SITE (in french only, sorry!) at this URL: Best regards Mr. Davenport, FCB.
Our gratitude to Messr. Bourbeau for contributing this report. Traditionally, we delete all personal data from posted reports, but we make exceptions for serious investigators of the UFO phenomenon. Please see other reports for November 18, 2001. PD
Posted 2001-12-05
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