NUFORC UFO Sighting 1982

Occurred: 1995-01-01 21:00 Local
Reported: 1997-02-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Tucson, AZ, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

SUMMARY: 120-140 ft, X 35-40 ft, X 30 ft, triangler craft, metalic colored, 4 lights directly down the center with 2 strobes and 3 very large lights on the back

On or between Dec 27th 1994 and Jan 5, 1996 at 2100 hours, I went out to get my dog in from the back yard of my home, (6350 East Hayne). He was in a playful mood and I began to throw small stones which he would chase. As I was walking over to pick up a few small stones in the corner of walled in yard, I happen to grance up into the very clear, cloudless sky and noticed a darken object very low to the ground. At first I could not determine if the craft was moving. At this point it was quite some distance away, approx 1 to 1 1/2 miles. I continued to watch the craft and it began to get larger. I knew the craft was obviously coming in my direction. I kept wondering why the aircraft had not turned on its landing lights be cause the U.S. Air Force Base (Davis-Monthan AFB) was only a few miles south of my home. The base is almost directly south of my home the the Tucson International Airport is just on the other side (slightly southwest). I immediately called the craft to!my daughters attention who had just come out to tell me one of my favorate programs had just come on. We both stood there watching as the craft got closer. When it was approximately 3/4 mile from us, it's true shape became visible. It was a triangle shaped craft, moving very slowly at approximately five to eight miles per hour. It was approximately 75 to 100 feet above the ground. It had no lights on the front of the craft at all. I told my daughter that it was going to pass almost directly over us. When it got to only a few hundred feet away, we began to see lights on the bottom of it. There were four lights that were in a straight line down the middle of it that ran the full lenght. The lights were spaced about 20 feet apart. As it passed slightly infront and above us, we could see very clearly that the craft was metalic in color and did not have a smooth surface but appeared to have a plated surface. I could see what appeared to be lines of rivits that connecte!d them togather. The craft did not make a single sound, and after spending 18 years on active duty in the Air Force, I knew it was not something that was man made. It I were going to guess at its weight based on its size as mentioned above---I would say approxmiately 80 to 110 tons. As I passed by my daughter was the first to notice two stobes on the rear corners that were blinking very fast (much faster than normal aircraft), both were white lights and could only be seen from behind. Even when the craft was at its closest point from us, could not be seen until the rear of the craft began to become visable. It was at this pont that I could even more clearly see the previously mentioned plating affect. I was able to at this point based on the visible edges of the triangle in my own mind determine the thickness of the craft . The back of the craft had three very large lights , two approximately 10 feet in diamenter and the third much larger light between them. It was abo!ut 15 feet in diamenter. It may sound strange but the lights were not giving off a really bright light but definately light that appeared to be defused. The lights on the bottom of the craft appeared defused as well. The craft was close enough that a man with a good strong throwing arm could have easily hit it. I know that this story sounds like something out of a science fiction book, but I swear it's the truth. I will be more than willing to take any lie-detector test you want. Feel free to contact me concerning this sighting. I almost forgot--the following day after the close encounter, while in the restroom of my home preparing to shower or something i remember finding a blister about the size of a dime just above my left ankle. There was no pain, and I only noticed it as I was taking of my sock. I pressed slightly on it and rolled my index finger around. It poped and I expected to feel pain but there was none. I pealed away the lose skin and noticed that the ti!ssue that should have appeared red or pink was brown. Normally, blisters don;t leave scars in a perfect circle--this one did. The only reason I have taken this time to tell you about what we seen, is that I can't stop thinking about it. I hope if have really reached someone who will take the time necessary to confirm my sighting anyway they have to. Now I know for sure--They do exist and I don't care who says they don't. That includes our goverment.

Posted 1998-03-07

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