NUFORC UFO Sighting 1969
Occurred: 1997-01-16 06:30 LocalReported: 1997-01-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Seguin, TX, USA
Shape: Fireball
SUMMARY: San Antonio Express-News ran 3 stories on the 'UFO' that was found in a rancher's field.
From San Antonio Express-News story, 2 witnesses add their story to Seguin's 'X-File'"I was about 20 miles out of Laredo, heading for San Antonio on I-35 and I saw something like a meteor heading from southeast to northwest," Army Sgt. Roberto Cavazos said. "It wasn't high, it was low. It was going very fast. It looked like a fireball with a tail. It was very, very clear. It was not a falling star or anything like that."retired rancer, Francis Zuehl said, "The object was like a ball of fire with a tail. It started on my right, heading to my left, south to north... ...It wasn't high up in the sky, it was low. It wasn't going down, it was going crossways, and it was much faster than an airplane."The 3-foot round, 60-pound sphere was found half-buried on Jan. 24 by rancher Ed Longcope. It was on the cover of the San Antonio Express-News. The Air Force confiscated it but later agreed to return it. Walter Andrus Jr., who heads the MUFON in Seguin, examined the sphere shortly after it was brought to the Guadalupe County Sheriff's department. He believes it is a fuel pod from a satellite. He said he knows of only one other such object recovered, because anything re-entering the atmosphere generally burns up. He speculated this one could have survived re-entry intact if it came in at an angle.The Express-News has many photographs
Posted 1998-03-07
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