NUFORC UFO Sighting 186564

Occurred: 2025-01-01 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2025-01-09 03:29 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes.
No of observers: 4

Location: San Miguel del Monte, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Location details: It was close to a high school.

Shape: Unknown
Color: Celestial.
Estimated Size: I could not define it.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: To the north.
Angle of Elevation: 85
Closest Distance: I could not estimate.
Estimated Speed: After 7 minutes, it disappeared.
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Missing Time

We were dining outside after New Year's and the shape left us astonished.

As described earlier, it was the day after New Year's, when we were dining outside with my family and around 9:15 pm in the sky, there was a strange entity that seemed to have multiple shapes depending on its distance, it looked light blue.

But that night there were 2, one at 9:15 and the other at 9:23. I ruled out that it was some aircraft because I live in a village and there is no movement after New Year's and Christmas. The sky is not affected by light pollution.

Original report in Spanish:

Estábamos cenando afuera después de año nuevo y esa forma nos dejó sorprendidos.

Como describir anteriormente era el día después a año nuevo,donde estábamos senado afuera con mi familia y alrededor de las 9.15pm en el fondo del cielo se ve un ente extraño que pareciera tener múltiples formas dependiendo su distancia,se veía de color celeste.

Pero esa noche hubieron 2 uno 9.15 y otro 9.23.

Descarto que sea alguna aeronave por que vivo en un pueblo y no hay movimiento después de año nuevo y navidad.

El cielo no se ve afectado por la contaminación lumínica

Posted 2025-01-13

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