NUFORC UFO Sighting 185954
Occurred: 2019-07-30 15:15 LocalReported: 2024-12-24 12:34 Pacific
Duration: 5 minuttes
No of observers: 1
Location: Khoy, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Location details: An abandoned garden
Shape: Orb
Color: Red
Estimated Size: 40 cm
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 18
Closest Distance: 5 meters
Estimated Speed: 50 meters per second
Characteristics: Landed
A red ball hovering in the air without any sound
I was sitting on the roof at the mentioned time. The weather was calm and very hot. My head was down, facing the roof. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I felt that something was hovering in the air to my left. I turned my head and saw a red ball, about the size of a handball, hovering about 5 meters away from me. Out of fear, I stood up a little from my chair, intending to escape, but I saw that the ball moved slightly backwards. While I was half-standing, I saw that the mysterious ball slowly tilted towards the northwest and entered a garden across the street. The garden was abandoned and had tall trees. The ball passed through the trees in such a way that I was truly shocked. It was clear that a very advanced system was controlling it. When it reached the middle of the garden, it suddenly shot up to the sky at an incredible speed, becoming a tiny dot, and then, with the same speed, it came down to its original height. It repeated this maneuver once more and finally landed in the garden.
I made my way to the garden and saw a large rusted lock with a thick chain on the entrance gate, clearly showing that it hadn't been opened in many years. I asked the locals, and they said they didn't know who the garden belonged to. They mentioned that when we were kids, it was rumored that some people had entered the garden and never came back.
Since that day, I have never seen that magical ball again, and I still long to see it. I strongly believe that we, humans, are not the only sentient beings on Earth, and they are very, very close to us.
Thank you.

Posted 2025-01-03
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