NUFORC UFO Sighting 185892

Occurred: 2024-12-21 17:10 Local
Reported: 2024-12-23 10:06 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Atlantic City, NJ, USA
Location details: beach, clean sky, dusk

Shape: Disk
Color: changing
Estimated Size: size of a bus, smallers have a size of basketball
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 40
Closest Distance: 5 kilometers
Estimated Speed: the red light was flying 400 km/h, disk was slow
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Colo

I was enjoying the sea view in Atlantic City, NJ, when I saw a strange flying saucer coming.

I was on the beach in Atlantic City, NJ, enjoying the view, when I see a reflection/light coming towards me, I thought it was strange and took out my cell phone to film it, when I start filming, the light comes even closer and takes the form of a luminous flying saucer. This disc went up and up, when it appeared to shake and change shape, but always returning to its original disc shape, it ended up in the shape of a cylinder and an orb, before returning to the disc, it did this until it was out of my sight, going east. Shortly after this disc left, a red/pink light flew by at high speed, flashing randomly and leaving a reddish trail in the sky. As this light was passing, an orb of white light appeared just above the red light, and began to fly slowly, appearing to follow the red light. Both went to the east and went to the west. The flying saucer was big, the size of a bus perhaps? The two lights were small.

Posted 2024-12-24

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