NUFORC UFO Sighting 185284

Occurred: 2024-12-14 17:00 Local
Reported: 2024-12-15 13:48 Pacific
Duration: 4 hours
No of observers: 1

Location: Bethlehem, PA, USA
Location details: I was located on a second floor balcony at 40.610, -75.385

Shape: Unknown
Color: red and/or white
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: northwest
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 750 feet
Estimated Speed: unknown
Explanation: Drone - Possible
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Made a sound

Many drone-like craft

Between 4 PM and 5 PM, while out on a walk, I recalled seeing little to no airplane activity, except for 2 airplanes in the eastern part of the sky. Then, starting around 5PM, during twilight under clear skies, I began to see multiple drone-like craft (5 or so). These craft that began to appear were the same craft I had seen the previous night, which I reported as well. Returning home I continued to observe them from a second floor balcony. They generally came from the north heading south, but some were coming from the north heading west or east, while others were coming from the west heading east, or from the east heading west, and a few came from the south heading north. Most, however, were going north to south or from the north to the east. At closest approach they were a few hundred feet above me, but most were further away. As I had seen the previous night, some left trails behind them, while others did not. They appeared to be “swarming” the area, but they did not appear as frequently as the previous night, where I had observed 3-4 craft traveling in groups (but in no particular formation) every 2-3 minutes, lasting for at least 5-6 hours from 6:30PM to around midnight, in which case there were always multiple craft in the sky at any given time during the event (usually around 8 or so). This time, however, they did not appear in groups of 3-4, but instead appeared individually more or less. Overall, they did not appear as frequently or consistently as the previous night. They appeared more sporadically. However, at one time there were 8-9 of them in the sky simultaneously. But usually there were no more than 4 in the sky simultaneously at any given time. I continued to observe off and on from 5PM to about 9 or 10PM, and at each time they appeared at the same frequency, but the activity seemed to die down around 9 or 10PM.

I noticed two different things from the previous night: I saw a very faint light moving across the sky at about 80-90 degrees directly overhead. It had the appearance of a very faint star, and looked just like the other stars in the sky. It was the size of a pinhead and was moving slowly from the south to the north. I observed two more of the same objects moving slowly from north to the south. These objects appeared to be very high in the sky, well above the drone-like craft. They had a steady white, faint light, except that one of them suddenly brightened in a brilliant way to the extent that it seemed to expand to twice its size, then dimmed again and seemingly shrunk in size again, and then continued to travel a short distance, and then vanished as it was heading south. The other two “pinhead” lights did not brighten in the same way, but trailed off and vanished. Another thing I noticed that was different than the previous night’s sightings was that one or two of the drone-like craft appeared to have some kind of dark bubble around it, like some kind of aura.

The rest of the drone-like craft were similar to the previous night in that they had blinking red and white lights, or only blinking red lights, which flashed either sequentially or randomly, and sometimes flashed at different rates. Some appeared to travel faster than others, but most appeared to be going relatively slow. They generally appeared to be traveling in tandem with each other, while at the same time appearing somewhat random in their flight patterns, at times crossing or passing each other at varying altitudes in the sky.

Posted 2024-12-16

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