NUFORC UFO Sighting 185218
Occurred: 2024-12-10 19:00 LocalReported: 2024-12-14 18:59 Pacific
Duration: 40+ mins
No of observers: 1
Location: Hanahan, SC, USA
Location details: N.Rhett and Yeamans Hall road - between USAF at CHS International and Joint Base Charleston
Shape: Other
Color: White/Gray Camouflag
Estimated Size: 8-12’
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Closest was about 100’ to my left on narrow road hovering over house - I was facing S
Angle of Elevation: 70
Closest Distance: 200’
Estimated Speed: Various
Explanation: Drone - Possible
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Made a sound
8-12’ long small scale fighter jet-like with angled surface - two fixed wings and 4 quad copter arms protruding in front of and rear
The first observation was not on film but I couldn’t miss it heading away from the base down Yeamans Hall rd - it was just there hovering over a house. I saw it driving close up it was in the style of fighter jet with camouflage wrap , however, smaller scale and it was more of a shell made of metal in the shape of a jet. It looked like it was completely still, just hovering there, with four lights active revealing that it’s framework was more quad copter skeleton protruding through the shell of a body
Hovering with the lights active about 30’-40’ over the roof of home on side of Yeamans Hall Rd, approx. 8’-12’ long - shell structure was very similar to early to late F series USA fighter jets but not a smooth surface - more angled like anti-radar geometry even though it was well below radar minimum height detection - there were 4 quad copter arms protruding out in front and behind of the fixed wings. Solid red lights underneath flashing wingtip lights.
I back tracked to N. Rhett Rd for vantage point and have some video of the 8-10+ additional vehicles at various altitude - at least one that was several thousand ft in the sky at one point
The third encounter that night while attempting to track where I was almost as close (over and behind police station heading back down Yeamans) it sounded like a drone would - but almost like it was coming out of a speaker.

Posted 2024-12-16
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