NUFORC UFO Sighting 184403
Occurred: 2024-11-17 18:00 LocalReported: 2024-11-21 09:54 Pacific
Duration: 4 days
No of observers: 21
Location: Millbrook, NY, USA
Location details: They are high in the sky head but also close to my backyard almost touching it.
Shape: Other
Color: white, green, red
Estimated Size: hard to tell, some really big and others small
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: All around
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 10 feet
Estimated Speed: like falling stars at times, lightening fast
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Animals reacted
Multiple objects, dancing in the sky, flashing , getting large and small
Have seen over the past several nights. Since November 17, 2024, I have observed strange orbs and flying objects in the sky near my home, which do not appear to be conventional aircraft or drones. On the night of November 17, the original object, which was circular in shape, appeared directly above my car while I was with my son. We were both struck by the object's unusual size and proximity. Shortly after, it disappeared, followed by a light show.
The object then seemed to follow us home, approximately 10 minutes away, where we were met with a series of dancing lights and orbs that fluctuated in size, with some growing to the size of the moon before shrinking again. This pattern has continued for the last four nights, and the lights have appeared to increase in intensity and variability.
Additionally, in the past few nights, I have had the unsettling feeling of being watched while walking home from my office. To date, only my ten-year-old son and I have witnessed these phenomena. I have not been able to find any rational explanation for these occurrences, and I am unsure how to proceed in understanding what might be happening.
I have multiple videos and they are all different.
Posted 2024-11-29
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