NUFORC UFO Sighting 183961

Occurred: 2024-11-05 09:33 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-11-09 22:19 Pacific
No of observers: 10

Location: Chepes, La Rioja Province, Argentina
Location details: A farming area where livestock are raised.

Shape: Light
Color: White
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: At the altitude at which a helicopter flies
Estimated Speed: Very fast
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

Mutilated animals were found, and townspeople also reported sightings (strange lights in the sky).

Mutilated animals always appear, and simultaneously with these events, lights can be observed, seen by the people of the same town. Currently, investigations are underway to determine what caused this, as it frequently happens in these areas. It’s worth noting that it’s a small town with a lot of countryside.

Original report in Spanish:

Se encontraron animales mutilados y también se vio avistamientos por la gente del pueblo (luces extrañas en el cielo) siempre hay

Siempre aparecen animales mutilados y simultáneamente a estos hechos, se pueden observar luces que son vistas por la gente del mismo pueblo. Actualmente están investigando que fue lo que produjo tal cosa, ya que ocurre con frecuencia en esas zonas. Aclaró que es un pueblo, hay mucho campo.

Posted 2024-11-17

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