NUFORC UFO Sighting 183908
Occurred: 1997-11-05 17:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-11-08 15:57 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1 - Pilot
Location: Danbury, CT, USA
Location details: I was driving on I-84 just before exit 1
Shape: Triangle
Color: to dark to see
Estimated Size: 1 mile wide
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: north
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 1/2 mile
Characteristics: Lights on object
I saw an HUGE set of lights almost the same as the Phoenix sitings except both front sides of the mile wide triangle had white lights.
I pulled over on I-84 because I saw lights in the sky. I got out of my car to take a look and it was lights in the shape of the front two sides of a HUGE triangle. It was very much like the sightings seen in Pheonix except both front sides had white lights spaced equally.It hung soundlessly in the sky and was just gigantic. 1/4 of a mile behind me another car was pulled over and I shouted to them”Do you see that?” They replied ‘Yes. what is it?” I said “I don’t know.” I could not see the shape of the back of the craft because it was very dark. It did not make even a whisper of a sound.I then made the biggest mistake ever. Instead of staying to see what it did I kind of panicked and drove to the next exit where I knew there was a phone at the rest area to report it. The police said they had a few reprts of something out there but treated me like I was nuts.
I’ve only told this sighting to a few friends and family but I am so glad I saw it. I know we are not alone.
Soon I’m buying an RV and plan to drive around the USA for a few years. One on my main persuits is going to be checking the sky nightly for UFOs. Next time I will not panic and drive away.
Posted 2024-11-09
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