NUFORC UFO Sighting 183810
Occurred: 1993-06-16 06:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-11-02 10:27 Pacific
Duration: 15-20min?
No of observers: 1 - Military
Location: Pottsville, TX, USA
Shape: Unknown
Color: Dark
Estimated Size: 40 ft
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 50 ft
Estimated Speed: 2 mph
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Made a sound, Possible abduction, Missing Time, Animals reacted
UFO in trees at Central Texas farm with possible entity(?)
I grew up on a farm in the Hill Country of Texas in the 80’s and 90’s. In the mornings, I’d have to get up early as hell to help with the cows. If we finished early and I didn’t have school, I’d take my dog and explore our ranch and watch animals like deer, foxes, coyotes, skunks, etc. That morning it was almost still dark. I’d made it way into our back pastures. There was this big hill that had a copse of Spanish oak trees all over the top of it. I went through the gate into that pasture and I remember having an eerie feeling. There was this mist all over the ground in the low spots due to a creek that ran through this section. My uncles used to tell me ghost stories about that creek. They’d say to stay away from it because there was a spirit that lived in it from a settler who’d been killed by Comanches while trying to cross it. That it would yell to you and pretend to be a man drowning asking for help and when you reached out to help him he’d pull you in and drown you. Later I found out it was an old story my family had been telling to their kids for generations to keep them from messing around at the creek and drowning. I’d seen it foggy but never this bad. I went to the top of the hill because the creek story made me nervous and I wanted to get the hell away from the drowned spirit hahaha…
When I got up there and looked back down into the valley I remember thinking how weird it was that I hadn’t seen anything this whole time. No rabbits, no deer, nothing…there was always something around here because of the water and the time(early early morning). I’d never NOT seen something there, which was the whole point of why I’d walked the mile and a half to it. About that time I turn into the trees and start walking. It was like I was drawn to the hilltop. I finally get to a spot up there and the feeling of being drawn to it stops. I’m standing there wondering why I wanted to come here and this bright light bursts out of the tree tops and is on me. The lights are so bright I can barely see a shape behind it. There are 2 lights on me. At the same time there’s this noise that starts real low and starts getting louder, and louder, and louder. My 12 year old brain is trying to make sense of this and I’m thinking, “How the heck did a hunter or something get their truck stuck up in a tree on top of this hill?” I thought it was a spotlight and the sounds were a diesel engine or something reving louder and louder but it never shifted gears. It just kept getting louder and…like higher rpms/pitch. It started moving towards me and breaking the branches and I was so scared because I thought not only had they got the truck up there, it was coming down and gonna fall on me. About this time I felt like I wasn't alone and I turned and saw something standing about 20 feet from me. To this day I can’t explain what it looked like. I don’t know if it was alive or something else. When I try to think about what it looked like it’s like…my brain won’t let me. This sounds super crazy but my brain wants me to tell you it was a deer feeder, but it wasn’t. It had arms. Anyways, as soon as I look at it, it hits me in the face with something and I fall down. Almost like getting hit in the face by a giant glaucoma test. Like an air burst but it felt like it got something in my eyes. I’m laying on the ground for lord knows how long. I get up, rub my eyes, and the light is still there but the thing that was on the ground is gone. The light starts moving towards me again and it’s breaking tree branches etc and I turn and ran. I was so scared I didn’t even look back. I made it to the gate and my dog was there whining and we ran the mile back to the house together.
I ran through the door into our kitchen and my mom was making breakfast. I started trying to tell her what happened and she just kept telling me I wasn’t supposed to be that far back towards the creek. It was like she wasn’t hearing me. I didn’t tell her all of it. I was telling her I saw a light in the trees and that it followed me. She just kept telling me it was probably a helicopter or something. Everyone started piling in for breakfast, my uncles, my grandparents, siblings, etc and I was trying to tell them but nobody listened and they just kept on about their usual conversations and business.
I’m a 43 year old engineer now. It wasn’t a helicopter….and it wasn’t a deer feeder. I’m a completely normal, successful guy. I know it sounds crazy but it happened to me. Aside from that moment in the kitchen, I didn’t tell anyone that story again til I was in my 40’s. I finally told my partner. She listened and believes I saw it but…it feels almost lonely having this experience. I can’t explain how scary it was…or how much it affected me throughout my life.
It just all sounds crazy and it makes me feel ridiculous typing it out.
I’m to a point now where it’s not as crazy to say it out loud so I’m trying to work through it and understand what I saw and what happened to me. Any resources y’all know of for this that aren’t too woo-woo, feel free to share with me.
Posted 2024-11-08
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