NUFORC UFO Sighting 183766
Occurred: 2024-10-23 22:45 LocalReported: 2024-10-30 12:03 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Saluda, VA, USA
Location details: We were driving East onLewis B Puller Mem Hwy + witnessed the shape along the horizon in front of us
Shape: Chevron
Color: yellow + green
Estimated Size: really hard to estimate--maybe 25-50 ft
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: moving north east to north west
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: quarter of a mile
Estimated Speed: indescribable
Characteristics: Lights on object
Saw unnaturally bright and very large shape descend rapidly from sky to land
My husband and I were driving east on Lewis B Puller Mem Hwy between West Point, VA and Saluda, VA when we witnessed something that startled us both. The night sky was open and wide before us as we traveled on the road. Tall trees on either side of the highway. What we saw was an extremely brightly lit large shape. I say it was an inverted chevron; my husband thought it seemed more rectangular in shape. Hard to see the structure of the object--mostly just intense glowing light. (It didn't not look plane-shaped or like any object we've ever seen before nor was it a round object.) I perceived it as bright yellow and then bright green--I couldn't tell if the color was changing as it neared the ground or whether I had been seeing the side/top of the object (yellow) and then the green light was when I could see the light emitting from the bottom of it. It descended so rapidly high out of the sky (from the east) and toward across the sky headed west and gliding towards the ground (disappearing from our view at the tree line) -- maybe in about 3 seconds -- that we both presumed we would hear a giant crashing sound when it collided with earth but we heard nothing. We both perceived the object as being one large object. We were at least a quarter of a mile away (possibly more) so couldn't see structural details. Very hard to judge size from that distance, but 25-50 feet? We both had the strong impression that it must have landed somewhere beyond the tree line past where we could see because it had come so close to the ground so quickly and then utterly disappeared from view as it approached land. Despite the rapid descent of the object, it appeared completely in control. It glided so smoothly, it almost seemed like light itself moving rather than a large object.
Both of us are in our 50s. We have glasses-corrected vision, which has recently been checked. We both have advanced degrees. Neither of us has ever thought we saw anything in the night sky that couldn't be easily explained. This all happened so quickly that we didn't think to try to take a photo/video.
Posted 2024-11-08
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