NUFORC UFO Sighting 183646

Occurred: 2024-10-19 19:15 Local
Reported: 2024-10-21 00:06 Pacific
Duration: about 15 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Saint Paul, MN, USA

Shape: Diamond
Color: dark
Estimated Size: A lot smaller than the plane
Viewed From: Aircraft
Direction from Viewer: Next to me and I was on the left side of the plane. (Probably north.)
Angle of Elevation: 15
Closest Distance: 100 yards next to plane & less than that below us
Estimated Speed: Faster than the plane
Characteristics: Lights on object

Four diamond-shaped craft flew below the plane going the opposite direction of the plane.

I had been looking out my window for most of the time since take-off because I am prone to motion sickness if I don't keep track of the horizon, especially during take-off and landing. We seemed to have settled into a relatively straight path, and the lights in the cabin were off. It was dark outside except for the lights off the engine and wings. I continued to look out and could view the engine from my seat (12A). It was foggy below us. Suddenly, a diamond-shaped, dark-colored craft sped past us. It was slightly below and next to the plane, going in the opposite direction. It had nonblinking white and red lights on the top and no visible contrail or exhaust. I was shocked because it seemed to be quite close. I only saw it for two or three seconds before it passed. I continued to stare out the window, grateful we had not had a collision. About 10-20 seconds later, an identical craft passed. It was about the same distance below us as the first one was but closer to the side of the plane. Another 10-20 seconds later, a third craft passed. Again, it looked about the same distance below us but was even closer to the side of the plane compared to the first two. I kept staring out the window, wondering what I should do or say, but it all happened so fast that I decided not to say anything. I didn't want to startle other passengers or have people think I was crazy. About ten minutes passed, and I continued to look out when the fourth one appeared. This time, it was under the plane. I viewed it in the space between the engine and the side of the plane. Everything else about it was the same as the other three. I was shook up but still chose not to say anything. I looked out the window for many more minutes and saw no more of them. (I assume the pilots saw also them and maybe other passengers, but I have no way to verify that.)

Posted 2024-11-08

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