NUFORC UFO Sighting 183566
Occurred: 2019-02-01 02:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-10-24 16:57 Pacific
Duration: minutes, multiple times
No of observers: 2
Location: Umatilla, FL, USA
Location details: 28°55'46"N 81°40'10"W
Shape: Triangle
Color: Not Sure/Dark
Estimated Size: several hundred feet wide
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Looking NNW
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Probably 1,500-2,000 feet
Characteristics: Lights on object, Made a sound
A large triangular craft moving toward and away from Pinecastle Impact Range in Ocala National Forest, and others
My parents had told me (which is oddly strange already) that they had seen a huge craft coming ang going several times from what they believe to be the Pincastle Impact Range in the Ocala National Forest some days after I had returned home from a trip to Colorado. They weren't too interested in the subject of UFO's from what I can recall, yet not opposed to it, so that's what I meant by the information they gave me was strange to hear. They're not elderly either- at the time were in their late 40's. My father gave me what specifics he could gather-
A large triangular craft with hazy lighting, possibly the size of an aircraft carrier or larger, still to slow-moving for several moments then moving away quicker than any fighter jet could imagine, and trailing seconds later, a low sub-frequency rumble after it had already left the line of sight. He said both him and my mother had seen it multiple times. I can't recall the exact dates, but I believe it was from December 2018 until February 2019.
I was greatly moved by their testimony, since it's not often I would hear this subject, especially from my mother. It took me by surprise. I had a minor interest in the subject because I had seen strange things akin to this before, but it was paled in comparison to my interest after this particular event. The next day I took to Facebook, reaching out to see if others in the community had seen anything strange in the skies recently, giving what details I was given as context. Within minutes, this happened-
My Facebook post was deleted, and I was unable to post anything prior to. Within a couple hours, I had a phone call from a number with all zero's on the caller ID. I have a witness to this, as I was at a friend's house and I put the phone on speaker audio and he also heard our conversation. It was a man warning me to not go near any road entrances that lead to Pinecastle, which is nearly all of them from HWY 19 to CR 42 and SR 40. He said there were unmarked vehicles barricading all of them and they would turn me around immediately or worse, detain me. He also asked me for coordinates to any possible vantage point to have a better view of the area. I was still very frustrated from the fact that some random person knew my name, number, and vaguely knew how I was temporarily blocked from posting on Facebook, so I wasn't entirely cooperative with him. Regardless, I was appreciative and took his advice (partially). He also told me it was classified technology from sources unspecified, possibly unknown in origin, but possibly military. It was all a very vague and watered-down conversation, but not hostile by any means.
My friend and I were still quite shocked, because before the call we were planning to investigate the area ourselves. We only spoke about the situation in person as well, so it was an odd coincidence that minutes before we planned to leave, I was called by the anonymous source. We did end up driving past some of the known entrances to the forest that lead to the range, and saw unmarked vehicles barricading them. My head has been full of questions ever since then.
I had experienced paranormal occurrences before this as well, but not as frequent as recently. From small floating lights in trees to the sound and visage of large apes in the forest (which many folks in the area have reported over the years), to another UFO account of hundreds of small moving lights spread across the sky over Leesburg, Florida, then all disappearing at once, with another witness in tow. I have also seen what I can only describe as three-dimensional human-like shadows on many occasions, with several friends as witnesses at the same time, and alone.
In short, I can't say definitively what any of these things are, and I won't speculate either. I just chalk it up to nature giving us just enough to slightly fathom what else can exist alongside us arrogant apes, to remind us we are not the pinnacle of intelligent existence. I believe there are those with extended knowledge of the matter, yet won't disclose it fully to the public for their own reasons. I wish they would.
Thank you for your time, and I hope this can be taken into account. I didn't really know how to report things like this before, unfortunately, but I hope this is a good avenue for the matter!
Posted 2024-11-08
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