NUFORC UFO Sighting 183498
Occurred: 2016-08-15 16:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-10-27 04:18 Pacific
Duration: 2min>Not sure>hours
No of observers: 1
Location: Karlsborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Location details: My past apartment. Outside my window the general area outside. Approx 8>15 meters off ground first
Shape: Light
Color: Warm dusky orange
Estimated Size: Large af
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Infront of me? Perhaps a bit above?
Angle of Elevation: 47
Closest Distance: 7>M approx?
Estimated Speed: Still
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects, Possible abduction, Missing Time, Marks found on body afterwards
I would not exactly call it a light. Orange, all sound quiet except low humming. heavy air, no time. It may been a craft,
I walked to my window where I used to live. The air was... strange. Like electric, heavy. i cant explain it. Orange dusky. More like a darker orange glow? I barely hear a hum, if it even was a sound. Bec everything was deadly quiet. The summer birds no longer sound. No sound from outside or anything. I tried to talk to myself but no sound. And it would had freaked me out, but I felt safe, calm. I was curious. I have a wage memory of something large lowering from the air. It made a large shade as it lower down. Im not sure about shape. Just that it was large. & made NO sound? Or was it making that barely sound of hum? I dont know. I remember thinking it felt strange it just hoover & no sound. Something so large. I suddenly felt scared instead of calm. I pick up my cellphone & about to call my dad. But never manage I guess. Bec then something make me calm again. Like force me to be calm? Its was all so strange. The large thingy was directly outside my window but just dark like a giant shadow. & all else orange
The scary thing is. my memory is blank after that. Sort of...I have memories seeing something but they are so vague, I could not even describe it if I tried. Its like its blocked away.
But guess where I "wake up"? In my kitchen sitting in a kitchen chair by the table. Not limp at the table. Im sitting straight & just looking forward. Its how I "wake up"
Time was approx 10.00 in the evening. And all my clocks was the same time as before, slightly over 04.00 in the afternoon? My nightstand clock was blinking
My skin was red like very sunburn. Scabs on my skin too. It hurt . I mean? What did that come from?
It went away after a few weeks though
I had extreme headache & nightmares for 2 weeks after. Just felt drained. Jumpy
I guess I was not feeling very well. But It was like my brain did everything to forget. It took me years to even think about it again.
You have to excuse my english as Its not my main language
I have not reported before bec Its sort of…difficult.
& I don’t want to seem like a nutcase either
I was only 23 years old
I have zero evidence about this
Posted 2024-11-08
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