NUFORC UFO Sighting 183413
Occurred: 2007-11-05 06:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-10-10 21:31 Pacific
Duration: 2-5 mins
No of observers: 1
Location: Lansing, MI, USA
Location details: Suburbia, not too light polluted, mostly fenced back yard in early November
Shape: Rectangle
Color: Solid Black
Estimated Size: 100ft or so width with 400ft length
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West
Angle of Elevation: 50
Closest Distance: 1000 ft
Estimated Speed: Slow
Large, silent, solid black rectangle comes from the west, higher sky and swoops down overhead heading east
Delta township, West Lansing
I was 14 taking my two pups out one morning before school. It was roughly 6am or so and it was getting to that cold side of fall so I distinctly remember the sound of the crunch you get with leaves and frozen grass and whatnot as you walk.
Anyway we'd only been out about a minute or so and I don't know why, but I felt prompted to look up, facing west mind you. I see what looks like a thick black line. You know how when frost starts to form the darkness at morning or nightime gets a bit brighter? Its contrast against the nightsky was clear. I wasn't sure what I was seeing so I kept staring and the line seemed to get larger and larger; it was getting closer.
Now I was transfixed and couldn't look away. It seemed to angle up like it was swooping up and over (obviously kid me thankful it wasn't near crashing into my house) It was this big, featureless, and solid black rectangle.
What really astounded me was how absolutely massive it was. I mean HUGE. It's hard to figure size without knowing altitude and whatnot but I'd argue a hundred feet in width, and damn near a little over a football field in length--yet, silent as a graveyard. Not a sound. No lights, no noise, nothing. Eventually it was fully passing over me slowly and almost gracefully. I was never scared, I think I was too confused and bewildered to even get that point.
I remember I kept double checking to see or grasp what I was witnessing and kept noting how stars and clouds were disappearing behind it. This is what really anchored the idea of an object of there for me. It was solid. It glided over and I remember not being able to move my feet at all, just turning my head back as it vanished over the roof of my house like a ghost, headed eastbound. In an instant I felt sad. I desperately wish I had more time to look at it, but by the time I snapped out of it realizing how cold I was and going inside looking through the front window, it was long gone. I was straightedge at the time so no weed was involved I assure you. Didn't even own a cellphone at the time.
The most insane thing I've ever witnessed, burned into memory. I'd wager military aircraft most likely as they've already admitted stealth blimp tech to the public if I recall. But this wasn't any blimp I've ever seen then or since. Just a gigantic monolith silently passing over and vanishing into the sky. Absolutely bonkers man. Needless to say, school was very weird for me that day.
I'm over twice that age now and digitally paint in my freetime. So I whipped this up the other day as the anniversary (or somewhere around there) approaches. Hopefully it illustrates the scale well.
Posted 2024-10-15
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