NUFORC UFO Sighting 183399

Occurred: 2022-06-19 19:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-10-09 11:00 Pacific
Duration: Around 4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Arad, South District, Israel
Location details: On the edge of a cliff, I believe looking North-Northwest

Shape: Other
Color: White
Estimated Size: 30-80 feet
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North-Northwest
Angle of Elevation: 10
Closest Distance: 100 meters
Estimated Speed: Unsure; maybe 30 mph accelerating to 80 mph

Disc-shaped craft on its side with hole in it, flying low and then accelerating over hill

We were in the desert at a Bedouin camp for a dinner event with a large group. It was at the top of a hill looking over a desert valley. Late afternoon just before twilight (time was after 7 p.m. for twilight because it was June), I saw what I thought was a piece of flying debris in the distance. It looked from the side like it was a plastic door, and it was a very windy evening, so I figured it was just trash. When it got closer, I realized it couldn't just be trash because of its size and the way it was moving so smoothly despite the gusty wind. It was a white disc on its side (like a frisbee sideways), but moving very steadily through the air maybe 100-200 feet off of the ground. As it had just passed me, it turned, and I could see what seemed like a hole at the bottom through which I could see sky in the back. The shape at the bottom was almost like the "treble clef" symbol on a music score. At that point, I was quite sure it wasn't trash. It was hard to tell how large it was because of the scale and distance from me, but I estimate maybe 30 to 80 feet long. Once it had past me, it accelerated, moved up to crest a hill, and disappeared over the other side. When it accelerated, it was clear that it was moving faster than the wind because the wind speed hadn't changed. One other witness saw it and confirmed what I saw. I'm mad at myself because he had a video camera with him, but we were both so stunned that we didn't think to record!

Posted 2024-10-15

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