NUFORC UFO Sighting 183331

Occurred: 2024-10-05 22:28 Local
Reported: 2024-10-05 20:35 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 minutes
No of observers: 2 - Military

Location: Pultneyville, NY, USA
Location details: Over Lake Ontario facing North

Shape: Oval
Color: Changing
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North west
Angle of Elevation: 25
Characteristics: Changed Colo

UFOs during the Aurora Borealis

We were trying to take photos of stars waiting to see the Aurora Borealis. Normally it's way too cloudy to see anything around here but tonight was an exception. We were staring at the stars in front of us facing north when we first saw a shooting star and then we saw 1 very bright light glow and then go dim. After it went dim 2 more appeared and completed a triangle formation. The initial bright one continued to go up and down and glow bright and go dim and the other 2 would vanish and then reappear in different spots. At one point we actually saw 2 of them "chase" eachother and circle eachother while the initial bright one stayed in one spot. We watched this on and off for about 15-20 minutes. My husband and I are both sober so there's no way our judgment was impaired. My husband is extremely familiar with all kinds of aircraft from the 40s up to present times. We got multiple videos of this sighting as well with our phones and his professional camera. We've seen documentaries and have researched UFOs a ton, in fact my husband is studying to become a MUFON investigator as well. Throughout our research we know that an Aurora Borealis is an energy vortex that UFOs and other phenomena are attracted to not to mention we were basically 5 feet away from the water of lake ontario which has lots of sightings as well. We have reviewed the videos and are in process of looking at the photos and upon further inspection you can actually see all 3 UFOs systemically light up one after eachother much like the Phoenix Lights sighting. There were plenty of others in the park as well when we were capturing our photos so I hope others got to see the show as well. Simply extraordinary!

Posted 2024-10-07

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