NUFORC UFO Sighting 183190
Occurred: 1987-06-19 10:50 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-09-25 10:36 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1 - Military
Location: Sonoita, AZ, USA
Location details: around 12PM after a morning of hiking along a creek in Sonotia AZ, as I went to my car
Shape: Sphere
Color: gray
Estimated Size: they were huge
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: I was located underneath and somewhat off to the side of the sighting in full daylight
Angle of Elevation: 51
Closest Distance: about 80 to 100 feet above me
Estimated Speed: well they disappeared from sight in 3-5 seconds
As I left the creek to get to my car parked along the road I looked up and there were 3 huge gray, silent saucer shaped airborne ships.
I had just been stationed at Davis Monthan AFB in Arizona and heard that Sonotia was a great place to hike. I drove to Sonotia very early in the morning and hiked along the creek that runs through the area for about 2 hours. As I was coming out of the wooded area and going to cross the road to my car I happened to look up. There was no noise at all, but 3 huge ships were overhead….it was so silent though. They were flying one behind the other in silence. As I watched them they rotated and went slightly nose up….all 3 took off at an amazing speed and disappeared from sight within about 15-20 seconds. Again NO sound. I served as a Jet Engine mechanic for 20 years in USAF I was still active duty when this happened.
Posted 2024-09-28
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