NUFORC UFO Sighting 183024

Occurred: 2023-01-19 19:01 Local
Reported: 2024-09-13 14:44 Pacific
Duration: 1 Minute
No of observers: 3 - Military

Location: Sprague River, OR, USA
Location details: SSE of the town of Sprague River, Oregon

Shape: Oval
Color: White/Blue
Estimated Size: 100 in height -200 to 300 in width
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: SSE
Angle of Elevation: 20
Closest Distance: 150 to 800 yards
Estimated Speed: At stand still
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects, Animals reacted

Lights over Sprague River, Oregon and Unexplained Animal Deaths.

In the month of January 2023, several unexplained incidents occurred in the rural area of Sprague River and Chiloquin, Oregon as several witnesses saw lights illuminating the mountains and some witnesses saw a large circle of lights in the sky. Two ranchers also had unexplained animal deaths, and made animals nervous during this time. Below is a timeline of these events.

9 January 2023- On this date a local rancher about 1/2 mile from this investigator's resident had a 2 year old healthy steer that was found dead by the wife BF. No marks or injuries on the initial find. Later on when I spoke with the wife BF, she had since looked at the steer again, gut area tore up, rear area tore out, this was the week of 3 February 2023. Possibly coyotes got to the dead carcass then. But still a mystery of why the animal died earlier. (No photo available on this incident)

18 January 2023-12:30am. ST and other witnesses saw lights coming from above, and lighting up the mountains and surrounding area. Another witness MB saw bright White/blue light of west of her resident off the horizon 10 to 15 degrees. No shape, just illuminated the area, steady light. Distance estimated at 150 yards. There were sheep at the top of the ridge line, which are normally not there. The light was coming from above, and it looked like it stunned and scared the sheep. She watched the lights for a moment then went back to sleep. Cattle and sheep are on her 5000 acre ranch, and there were no deaths among the animals during this event. She also expresses that the sheep were a little nervous the day after this event.

On 19 January 2023 this investigator was on the Sprague River Community Facebook page when I noticed a posting by CD, a local rancher's daughter. The post had a photograph from her porch of some bright lights to the SSE. I contacted CD, as I know the family well. This is the information she gave me on this light she witnessed.

Time: 7:01pm CD witnessed bright blue/white light illuminating the mountainside SSE at an estimated distance of 800 yards. Lighting up the trees, thought she saw smoke above the trees. Duration about 1 minute. As she was outside, smelled an odor, and mentioned, it was not a wood stove smell. Knowing CD and her family, she is very intelligent and honest about what she witnessed. (See photo enclosed)

Through my contacts, I was also advised another small rancher had witnessed these lights and an object during this same timeline of events. Along with having cows and a horse suddenly die prior to the lights showing up. The following text is from ST on her unexplained animal deaths. (See photos)
"Strange events. Starting on January 2nd. Had my Belgian go down on the ice. Didn't read too much into it. Just that it wasn't a place she hung out at. Then on January 8th found the silver yearling calf dead against the fence. Then on the 13th January found both the dexter cow and the bull in the other pasture dead up against the fence and building.

Up until the light incident on the 19th of January, I thought it was odd how they were up against fence and or building. I had cows die of old age, and during/post calving. Last year, as well as a horse go down against a tree. I wish I had dates to give you. Had sheriff out because horse looked shot. Dropped in a similar manner as silver calf. I now find it odd that it's 6-7 days between events!"

In further texts with ST, the night of the 19th January sighting, she was working graveyard shift and she had a neighbor send her a picture and told her the size of the object looked like her pasture area 100 feet high and 200-300 feet wide. Also, that same night ST and JH were on their way to work at about 11pm 19 January 2023 while on Sprague River Road heading west looked up to the left was a circular ring of lights up in the sky over the hills. Didn't look like an airplane or helicopter or if it was from Kingsly Field in Klamath Falls she explained. The other occurrence is that internet, cell service and power went out during the time of this light incident!

As this investigator looked into the events closer, it was found that the horse was not shot. No necropsy was done on any of the animals. (Cost, ect.) On 9 January 2023 there was a car fire south on Sprague River Road just a short distance from the small community of Sprague River. But this was not enough to light up the hillsides, plus was on a different date than the lights reported. During my investigation, I also spoke with the Kingsly Field Public Affairs officer about any strange reports coming into their office of lights in this area, nothing was reported, and they did not have any USAF aircraft flying that night.

Despite all this compelling evidence, Klamath County area in the past has had some unexplained events, back in the 1990's cattle mutilations and a crop circle. As for the lights, still no answer. The unexplained animal deaths… 3 cows, 1 horse in the same general area? Also note that the China balloon incident was January 28 to February 4, 2023, but could it have been earlier? Past reports over the years have had similar traits, where encounters have killed livestock in the past. For now, we will keep seeking answers!


The animals do not seem to have the charateristics of "classic" mutilation cases such as precision incisions and inexplicable loss of blood. Nevertheless, an interesting string of occurrences.

Posted 2024-09-14

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