NUFORC UFO Sighting 182915

Occurred: 2024-09-03 20:30 Local
Reported: 2024-09-04 18:27 Pacific
Duration: About 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Northampton, MA, USA
Location details: In a car at a stop light at the location marked; the object was above the road a bit to the south

Shape: Diamond
Color: Black
Estimated Size: 30 feet
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: South
Angle of Elevation: 72
Closest Distance: 100 feet above and 30 feet south
Estimated Speed: 2-20 mph (speed varied)
Characteristics: Lights on object

Sighting of a black diamond shaped flying object about 30' wide with lights on each corner

The object first came into my view when I was driving south down Rt 5, also known as Mount Tom Road, in Northampton, Massachusetts near the I-91 S on ramp on the evening of 8/3/2024 at approximately 8:30pm. Initially, it appeared to be a set of lights suspended about 100 feet above the road. As I continued driving south, in the direction of the lights, I could then make out the entire object. It was a diamond shaped black flying object/craft about 30 feet wide and 100 feet above the ground. It was essentially flat but with a bit of an arced surface. It had very bright lights on all 4 corners. It was hovering and slowly moving north (in my direction) parallel to the road. During the majority of the sighting, I was stopped at a red light by the I-91N highway off ramp along with a good number of other cars. As it got closer, it eventually veered to the east and flew off in the direction of the Connecticut River and Skinner State Park (a mountain range). When flying off, it moved more quickly, perhaps 20-30mph and flew at somewhat of an angle. There were numerous cars stopped at the red light and there are thus likely other witnesses, given how large it was, how bright the lights were, and how close it was to us. It would have been impossible to miss. Additionally, when the light turned green, the cars did not initially move and then did so only very slowly. It's my presumption that we were all looking at the object. I am not inclined to believe in UFOs but I absolutely saw this object and when I got home and googled it, it did not seem that there are any identifiable flying objects of this sort. I do live near several military bases and am presuming this could be some sort of advanced military flying device, but wanted to report it here, to add to your research gathering. The observer making this report is an educated woman in her early 40s.

Posted 2024-09-07

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