NUFORC UFO Sighting 182883

Occurred: 2021-10-30 03:05 Local
Reported: 2024-09-02 14:41 Pacific
Duration: 8-10min
No of observers: 1

Location: Warren, MI, USA
Location details: On mound just south of 14 mile in front of my apartment

Shape: Changing
Color: pink/orange hombre
Estimated Size: 2.5 car lengths for width. Like 1.5 cars height
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 86
Closest Distance: 300ft
Estimated Speed: A little less than light speed?
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Made a sound, Landed

Craft stayed for 8-10min changing from pink to orange and not having much of a shape. Then flew high behind the clouds and lit up 3x.

I was coming inside from my car, and noticed a light in the sky above my apartment building. It was kinda shapeless and changing from pink to orange somewhat rapidly. I honestly didn't think anything of it because while I was in my car I had just read an article that said we would be able to see some weird stuff in the sky that night because of some sort of solar flares. So that’s what I thought I was seeing originally. I stood and watched outside for about 8ish min. It hadn't done anything besides change color so I went inside to watch from my windows. I went to my bedroom window and opened it so there wouldn't be a glare while I watched. Out of nowhere it shot up into the clouds and that's when I realized how close it actually was. It was literally hovering directly above my building's grass in the front. After it shot up behind the clouds it let out 3 bright flashes that lit up the clouds. The flashes reminded me of trying to rev up a lawnmower. After the flashes it quickly came down from the clouds way lower than it was before and this time it had a disk shape to it and no colors. This time I could actually see through it. It looked like it had that invisible shield from that alien or predator movie (I can never remember which one). And it came down super super SUPER fast, like nano seconds, I'm surprised I was even able to keep up. It then proceeded to fly along the side of the apartment complex across the street from mine. It angled the bottom of itself towards the building and these blueish lights kinda shined out on the building, I don't know what to call it but to me it looked like it was scanning the building as it was flying along side of it. Once it made it to the end of the building it shot up again and disappeared and then immediately reappeared over the treeline to the right of those apartments. A bright flash came out the bottom of it lighting up the area for a split second and then another bright flash immediately to the right. I almost remember a sound when the lights flashed. After the two flashes it appeared a little more to the right and that's when I finally realized what I was looking at. It looked like a classic UFO disk spinning and lowering itself to the ground preparing to land. There is a wall between my building and where it would have landed so I did not physically see it land, but I also never saw it again after that. And I didn't have time to react or even think about recording because after it flew up into the clouds everything after that happened within 30-45 seconds. It was definitely the fastest thing I've ever seen with incredible agility. I don't think I even really had time to turn my head, I had to keep up with just moving my eyes.

Posted 2024-09-07

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