NUFORC UFO Sighting 182065

Occurred: 1975-07-04 23:00 Local
Reported: 2024-06-27 10:01 Pacific
Duration: Approximately 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Eureka Springs, AR, USA
Location details: Saw the UFO from a small boat on Lake Leatherwood approximately 11-11:30 pm. My husband and me.

Shape: Triangle
Color: Flashing multi color
Estimated Size: large based on distance from me
Viewed From: Boat
Direction from Viewer: Straight above me
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: Too far to gauge
Estimated Speed: Faster than a rocket!
Characteristics: Lights on object

Gazing at a sky full of stars we saw what we guessed was a helicopter because of flashing colored lights as it was also stationery.

My husband and I took a row boat out onto Lake Leatherwood late at night to fish at night. We were the only people on the water (smarter campers were sleeping I suppose). There were zero fish biting so we were gazing at the star filled sky in the quiet, admiring more stars in one place than we had seen before. After a few minutes, I saw a triangular shape with intermittent colored lights around the shape, that appeared to be flashing but it was so far away, it was hard to tell. It was completely stationery. I pointed it out and we discussed whether it might be a helicopter because it wasn't moving. But, I mentioned to him that we would hear it if a helicopter. About that time, the object zipped across the sky at lightning speed. It took us a few seconds to find it on the other side of the night sky, again it was stationery. Now, we were getting nervous because we couldn't understand how any aircraft could move at that speed. It then raced again at lightening fast speed, but in a "Z" pattern and disappeared. Neither of us admitted how frightened we were (both of us were 20 year olds) but we took turns rowing because we were not making any progress for at least 20 minutes. It was then that I asked my husband if he pulled up the boat anchor and he had not. We were just too frightened to remember to do that. He was so embarrassed about that fear he wouldn't discuss the event afterwards. I'm now 68 and want the event recorded for anyone researching.

Posted 2024-06-27

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