NUFORC UFO Sighting 182024

Occurred: 2024-06-22 08:50 Local
Reported: 2024-06-24 06:56 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Bradenton, FL, Unspecified
Location details: Bradenton Fl 27.47151°N82.57640°W

Shape: Triangle
Estimated Size: Unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Facing West 27.47151°N82.57640°W
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 40,000 feet
Estimated Speed: Zero
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Brilliant White Light that resembled a Star or Planet in Bright Daylight at first sighting.

On June 21,2024 at around 08:50 to 09:11 located at 27.47151°N82.57640°W Bradenton Florida observed at bright White light in the sky. The object appeared to hover in the sky without moving. The object was a brilliant bright White as if it was a Star or Planet. I observed this object for a few minutes and was confused why would a Star or Planet be still observable at this time of day? I then checked SkyView ( Star Map and Rocket Body application) to make sure I was not observing one of these. It was not a Planet according to the charts. One of my co-workers noticed myself looking up and then asked what I was looking at? I advised that this White object has not moved for along time. We both then observed the object hovering in the same place. I took my I Phone 14 max out and took several pictures and video of the object. After a few minutes I went back into the place of business and told another employee what I had just witnessed. After a few more minutes inside the business Myself and another Co worker went back outside to look at the object and it was still hovering. We then watched the object for a few more minutes and left the scene as we had some work to do inside. I went back outside after about 30 minutes and the object was gone. After I zoomed in on the pictures and video I took with my phone I could see the details of the object. The object was a White Triangle shape with what appeared to be lights on the edge and a black background.

Posted 2024-06-27

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