NUFORC UFO Sighting 181908

Occurred: 1999-06-16 19:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-06-17 13:27 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Bedford, VA, USA
Location details: Seen from the side of the road across from the house at the cor er of Hillcrest Dr.- at pin drop.

Shape: Triangle
Color: Black
Estimated Size: Larger than a house. Not as big as a football fiel
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: East
Angle of Elevation: 83
Closest Distance: 80 yards
Estimated Speed: 2-3 mph
Characteristics: Lights on object

Black triangle seen hovering over on ramp to HWY 460.

I left work on the west end of Bedford from the 6 C's shopping center and drove east on Main Street. I noticed a white light in the sky at the east end of town that I had never seen there before. I watched it the entire time I drove down main street toward the CVS. As I neared the location, I realized it was a large black triangle shaped object hovering in the sky above the on ramp to hwy. 460.

I parked on Hillcrest in front of the house on the corner of Main St. and Hillcrest and walked across Main St. to the north side of the street. I was between the memorial garden and CVS, but closer to CVS.

By the time I had reached the area in my vehicle, I could no longer see a light on the craft as it hovered above and to the front of me. I could see that it was a smooth lined triangle without any points jutting out from the silhouette of the craft like stealth bombers do. It was very still at first, made no noise and no wind. It was literally floating.

I watched the triangle slowly turn toward the south as it traveled in a gentle arc from above the exit ramp, over my car parked in front of the house on Hillcrest, over the treeline and out over Hwy. 460 and on southward past the trees until it was out of my line of sight.

I noticed as it turned that I could see what I assume was the back of the craft and as the object turned and the corner of the craft passed me I could see on the back of the craft one white light. As it kept turning, another white light came into view on the back side of the craft on the opposite side.

The craft made no noise as it floated past me, and none of the trees moved underneath it, indicating there was no air displacement from any propulsion on the craft. The object passed right over the tops of the trees and never disturbed them a bit.

The object was large enough that had it landed where the house was, it would have completely crushed the house.

In the years since then, at no regular intervals, I have had strange things happen to me that I can't explain. Never been abducted, that I know of. Just strange things.

Posted 2024-06-21

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