NUFORC UFO Sighting 181661
Occurred: 2009-06-16 14:15 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-05-26 20:34 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Addison, TX, USA
Location details: The object was over the trees that are west of Marsh Lane.
Shape: Rectangle
Color: Dark, black ish
Estimated Size: 300 feet long
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West
Angle of Elevation: 86
Closest Distance: 300 feet
Large as a football field, noiseless, hovering ~ 300 ft from the ground, no one else around me saw it, they ignored it
I, sadly, cannot remember the exact day or even year I saw this, no matter how hard I try. I know it was before the owners I worked for retired, which was early 2013.
I had been cold-calling businesses and was driving back to my office, southbound on Marsh Lane. It’s two lanes in each direction. There weren’t many other vehicles on the road. It was a warm sunny day, and I don’t remember if there were any clouds. A shadow passed over my vehicle, I looked up and saw this immense, dark, rectangle hovering over the trees on the west side of the road. The bottom of it was covered in countless numbers of “antennas”, none the same size, some were short, some were longer. Then it looked like the entire bottom had been dipped in a thick plastic solution, over and over. The rectangle was at least 300 ft long and maybe 160 ft wide. Its shape was just a rectangle. It didn’t look very thick. I could not see the top of the rectangle. I slowed down, then came to a stop, keeping an eye on this immense thing. No other vehicle stopped or even slowed down, they kept driving both north and south bound. I opened my sunroof visor to try to see it better, I rolled down my windows and heard nothing. The rectangle didn’t seem to be moving. It made no noise. And I saw that shadow! It was after noon so the sun was from the west. The road, at least the southbound side, was in a shadow from the rectangle. Then I looked around saw other cars, and no one cared I was stopped in the right lane. They were just driving and not gawking. When I looked back, the rectangle was gone, just gone. I heard nor felt anything. So I started driving again and went back to my office.
I was the top sales rep for a tech product, selling to local restaurants and bars. I have an engineering degree from Purdue, and I wasn’t religious, still not religious. I did see another UFO in 1963 with my mother and sister, in Gary Indiana. I regret not submitting this event to someone, anyone, right after it happened. I could have at least documented it and saved it.
Posted 2024-05-30
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