NUFORC UFO Sighting 181560
Occurred: 1978-01-01 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-05-18 20:41 Pacific
Duration: 15 Minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Saladillo, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Shape: Disk
Color: Silver
Estimated Size: Big
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: South-East
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Couldn't Tell
Estimated Speed: Stationary
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects
BIG Stationary Flying Saucer with a blinking red light and a "Comet" by it's side
This story comes from approximately the summer of 1978, as told by my mother. In summary, my mother, her sister, and father saw a "Hat" Shaped saucer (Silver in color) with a red light on the right side of the saucer's outer ring. The light would make circles around the circumference of the saucer, then stop for a bit, and start again. On the left side of the saucer, they saw a white "Comet"-shaped light which crossed the craft (as in, it went through from the back side to the front).
Here's the full context: My mother and her sister went to their grandpa's house. They noticed the old man looking past one of their grapevine trees when they saw this (according to her, she couldn't distinguish if the craft was big but far away, or smaller but much closer than she thought) REALLY BIG hat-shaped saucer. Their grandpa told them the craft had been still right there on that spot for a pretty long time. Anyway, they all stood watching until my mom and her sister decided to go back home to tell everyone what they were seeing. When they made it back to the ranch, the saucer had already left.
This happened on a ranch at night, at about 10 PM. They viewed the saucer in the direction of the city.
Posted 2024-05-26
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