NUFORC UFO Sighting 181062

Occurred: 2024-04-05 03:50 Local
Reported: 2024-04-07 12:04 Pacific
Duration: 7 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Rock Island, IL, USA
Location details: LAT: 41.4439, LONG: -90.64362 ..RT 67 towards Turkey Hollow Road

Shape: Other
Color: silver and black
Estimated Size: 2-3 football fields
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: the object was to the North of us then turned East
Angle of Elevation: 15
Closest Distance: 1/4 to 1/2 mile
Estimated Speed: hovering and crawling slow
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

Crazy Light was first..

The huge beam of light was the first thing that caught our attention from the Great River Road turnoff to go onto RT 92, towards Turkey Hollow Road and Andalusia. I at first thought a plane had taken off from Moline Airport and was in trouble, due to being just above the ground about 4 to 5000 feet above ground, acting like it was attempting to land. The beam of light seemed to be following the same direction we were going, and within 3 minutes we determined it was NOT a plane. It looked like a huge spider with tiny short legs, and the light beam was shifting left to right and then we saw red lights flashing in the middle of the craft, that were blinking and the light strobing. The lights went all through the middle of the craft. We were all talking throwing out WHAT exactly we were looking at. HUEY helicopter from the Arsenal, Stealth Airplane, Doomsday plane, Military Aircraft, Satellite falling from Space, a Comet, a Planet shifting? We also realized there was no sound, like an engine of a plane or helicopter. It was completely silent because I had rolled down the car window. NO SOUND could be heard. Which was scary. We were just dumbfounded by what we were actually looking at, because NOTHING and I mean NOTHING any of us have had contact or knowledge of being this HUGE!!! We then got a good look side view and this craft was long, and I am talking 2-3 football fields long.. As we turned onto Turkey Hollow Road, Rock Island to go to Fedex Ground where we work, the ball of light came our direction. This ball of light was like none I have ever seen anywhere. Once we parked, we scanned the sky and the ball of light was above an empty cornfield off Turkey Hollow Road, then lights went off and the craft just disappeared. Like thin air disappeared. I have scoured the Internet for information, flights, Arsenal exercises, etc. I cannot find anything. A few of the employees have quietly spoken and we all agree, it was a UFO.

I am not good with angles, but it was just barely above the tree lines. Its why it caught my attention, thinking it was about to be a plane crash. It was very low to the ground and the beam of light was blinding at first, making it difficult determining what it was and what was happening.

IL RT 92 runs WEST to EAST. The light was in the North originally then went East towards us.

Posted 2024-04-27

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