NUFORC UFO Sighting 180883

Occurred: 2024-03-20 02:45 Local
Reported: 2024-03-20 13:36 Pacific
Duration: 4 secs. then another 2sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Williamstown, KY, USA
Location details: Williamstown Lake KY

Shape: Fireball
Color: Green
Estimated Size: 30 - 40ft diameter
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: north
Angle of Elevation: 35
Closest Distance: 1st one 1/4mi 2nd one 500ft out 150ft up
Estimated Speed: 1st one maybe 100mph 2nd could be in the 1000s mph
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby, Landed

Bright green orb came straight down from the sky into the lake, followed by a second green orb that appeared closer to me then shot off

Early this morning I woke up at 2:45am. For some reason I felt like I wanted to have a cigarette (not usual at that time) and went out onto my back patio. It was cool and very windy with some clouds. My house is up a bit higher on a hill and can see down towards the Williamstown Lake that is about a quarter mile from my house, maybe less. On the patio I lit my cigarette and was looking north towards the lake. Hardly to believe my eyes an ethereal bright green orb shot perfectly straight down as if guided by a laser from above the clouds down through the clouds and directly into what seemed to be the lake. The orb was as if it was a small green sun, my guess would be that it was approximately 30-40ft in diameter, and maintained the same intensity of brightness all the way until it disappeared into the lake. It was going fast but not that fast and never waivered in its speed. I was able to witness its decent for a total of about four seconds. I have seen many shooting stars and meteors out here in these rural skies and this was not anything like that. There was no meteor trail, it did not get bright and then fizzle out like meteors do, it traveled perfectly straight downwards, it was much closer and brighter than a shooting star (approximately 1/4 mile away) and clearly came all the way down to the earths surface (the lake). As I witnessed this my stomach felt like it flipped from not believing what I was seeing. I got scared and moved closer to the side of my house while continuing to watch, I thought it might come back up and fly away. About one minute after seeing this and waiting to see if it would re-emerge, just to the left of my field of vision another one of the same exact description appeared out of nowhere over the tree line in my back yard even closer to me, maybe 500ft out and 100ft above the trees. I turned my head slightly just in time to see it seem to materialize and then shoot off horizontally in a southern direction at tremendous speed. Neither thing I saw made even the faintest of noise. I tried to run inside and wake up my brother who has been staying here for the last year, as well as get my phone. I went back outside and saw nothing further, while waiting for about ten minutes. I did however hear a helicopter flying around but couldn't see it.

Posted 2024-04-27

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