NUFORC UFO Sighting 180860

Occurred: 2024-03-18 09:34 Local
Reported: 2024-03-18 14:47 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds to 1 minute
No of observers: 1 - Military

Location: Rancho Cordova, CA, USA
Location details: looking from this location towards where Reno NV would be. It was 5-10 Degrees off horizon

Shape: Other
Color: grey
Estimated Size: very hard to judge not knowing how far away it was
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: East northeast
Angle of Elevation: 10
Closest Distance: 10-50 miles
Estimated Speed: about the speed of a commercial airliner
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Saw unk shape object just darker that the surrounding sky. moving north

I was out walking. Looking at plane contrails when I saw an object that became dark then changed to a color just darker than the sky. At first, I thought it was a small cloud, but its movement was against the direction of the wind. Had it not shifted in color I wouldn't have noticed it. After its final color change, it was hard to see but its movement was noticeable. Almost like it was cloaking. I watched for a few seconds as it traveled to the north but got lost in the clouds and I was no longer able to see it. I was on the sidewalk looking towards the Sierra Nevada. It was a fairly clear day with a few clouds to the east. The temperature was about 55-60 degrees. There were lots of contrails from commercial flights. The local airport (Mather Airfield) was pretty active today with lots of military aircraft and lots of smaller private aircraft. This object that I saw was to the east, but I'm not sure how far east. possibly anywhere up to 50 miles away.

Posted 2024-04-27

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