NUFORC UFO Sighting 178253
Occurred: 2016-01-19 05:45 LocalReported: 2023-09-14 11:47 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds to 1 min
Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
Location details: 2810 Matheson Blvd E, Mississauga, ON L4W 4X7, Canada - my car was 43.665742, -79.598255
Shape: Orb
the next day after seeing the explosing flash i kept my eye out and saw this orb so the same thing
SO the following day after the massive flash over the airport, i kept my eye on the skies. And while on my way toward the exit for the 427 to head down into toronto i saw this glowing orb in the skies off to the right of the highway. Its glow reminded me of a road flare, as there was a slight movement or flicker to it. it was orange-ish in color. I knew this was the same thing i saw the night before, so since traffic was slow as it always was i leaned as far forward as i could to keep eyes on this orb as i proceeded in traffic. Ultimately i followed it for maybe a minute until i saw it move down and in front of this building - 2810 Matheson Blvd E, Mississauga, ON L4W 4X7, Canada - its the brown/copper ish colored building with the credit union sign. The light moved down so that it was a few floors down from the top of the building and moved slowly across the building from right to left. Suddenly i witnessed it flash bright and vanish. It was then totally gone without a trace. it didnt flash as brightly as the one from the night before however, the flash was much weaker and more subtle, but it was there.
Posted 2023-10-28
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